1. Using Microsoft Notepad, Copy and paste the HTML example atIntroduction to HTML
2. Save the file as myfile.html
3. Open the file using Firefox.
New editor
4. Enter http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_basic
5. Copy and paste the HTML example at Introduction to HTML
6. Verify your results on the screen.
2. Save the file as myfile.html
3. Open the file using Firefox.
New editor
4. Enter http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_basic
5. Copy and paste the HTML example at Introduction to HTML
6. Verify your results on the screen.
7. Repeat the work for
HTML Elements >> 看不懂這個範例在幹嘛
所以解讀成 <br> 跟 連結的範例
所以解讀成 <br> 跟 連結的範例